Dr. Carsten Jaeger
- Lawyer and notary
- Trade law and company law
- Partner
Carsten Jaeger is an experienced specialist in company law. The focus of his activities is on arranging the set-up, transfer and change in corporate form of companies as well as advising the various company organs (management, shareholders, supervisory and advisory boards). He also represents his clients in disputes between shareholders. As a notary, he focuses on company law and real estate transactions. Carsten Jaeger is a co-publisher of the “Beck’schen Onlinekommentars zum GmbH-Gesetz” [“Beck’s Online Commentary on the German Limited Liability Company Act”] and is responsible for the chapter on supervisory boards in “Ziemons/Binnewies: Handbuch der Aktiengesellschaft“ [“Ziemons/Binnewies: Incorporated Company Handbook”].