Insurance and traffic law
There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult.
In Germany, there are 528 insurance companies with over 440 million policies. The complexity of those policies often leads to disputes. Our team of insurance law specialists is there to protect your interests.
Insurance companies in Germany are subject to the requirements of the Versicherungsaufsichtsgesetz (the “Insurance Supervision Act”) and to supervision by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority. As a result, developing and selling innovative products poses unique challenges that can be overcome only with the help of competent partners.
When it to comes insurance sales law, competence is key. Our experienced team is at your side.
What is more: we help analyze your insurance coverage, evaluate legal risks, and prevent mistakes before they happen. There are policies for all walks of life. We advise on all matters of liability insurance law, in particular, the law governing general liability insurance, company and private liability insurance, environmental and product liability insurance, professional liability insurance, construction insurance, building insurance, property insurance law, in particular, the law governing fire, homeowner’s, and home contents insurance, burglary insurance, insurance of persons, in particular, life, health, travel cancellation insurance, accident, occupational disability insurance, legal expenses insurance, fidelity insurance, and credit insurance.
Traffic law, too, calls for special expertise when it comes to collision damage and motor third-party liability – all in a day’s work for our insurance and traffic law team.
When it comes to traffic law, you get the same competence and reliability you know and need. We represent your interests in matters relating to administrative offences and criminal traffic law.